Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Spring, 2009. Day One. Friday was the first day of spring, but we started our spring cleaning and greenhouse growing weeks ago. John placed an ad on Craigslist for a plant nurturer and has been dealing with the deluge of applicants for the part-time, minimum wage job. The job does come with some perks, though, like getting to spend the day in the greenhouse with wonderful, fragrant, growing things. We found someone who seems to be a perfect fit and she will be starting on Wednesday. I made a video of everything in the greenhouse on Friday. I am not a cinematographer but the Flip Video that Selene gave me for Christmas is a lot of fun and so easy to use. The video came out pretty well, but I have been struggling for the last few days to upload it, without success. I am guessing it may be too big. So, instead, I am inserting a link to the Proven Winners web site, where you can see photos of many of the plants we are growing, sign up for the 'winner's circle' and get a free idea book. If I ever discover how to post the video, I will.

Here's the link:

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