Thursday, February 26, 2009

Time to Start Seeds!

I just read a great article about this for the home gardener, and am adding the link here, so you can read it as well.

John has completed over 100 basket combinations this week, potted 350 geranium cuttings, started a variety of early, slow growing seeds, and transplanted hundreds of Proven Winners. His hip is holding out, though his knees are giving him some trouble. The greenhouse already smells green again. So yummy on a cold day in February. Unfortunately, I am mainly still stuck in the house on the computer and trying to get my office cleaned out so that I can have some serenity in my work space. I can't believe the amount of crap (and some precious momentos) I am able to accumulate in a year! I have been steeling myself to get rid of stuff that I don't NEED and/or no longer really care about. I have been delivering piles to Goodwill and Salvation Army on a weekly basis and have another batch of stuff to go tomorrow. John is a believer in never getting rid of anything - an old farmer habit that he shares with his dad (although I have to say that "Grampy" got rid of a dumptruck load of stuff after his wife, Eva, died).

We are excited about the variety of plants we will be offering folks in the spring, and plan to open our business on April 1st. Keep an eye out for more info on April Fool's Specials in our gift shop.

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